Kaye’s readings are clear, insightful and full of amazingly accurate advice. If you are needing some spot on guidance in your life or wanting to know what the future holds for you then a reading with Kaye would be the best thing you can ever do for your self. I was lost, and was lacking direction and clarity on my path so I booked a reading with Kaye and was absolutely blown away by what she got for me. Not only did she accurately “see” my present circumstances she was able to clearly “see” the wonderful things that the future had in store for me. This really helped me to move forward in the “best” direction for me and to make the changes that I needed to at that time.
“Thank you so much, Kaye, for your wonderful clarity and guidance and for helping so many with your amazing gifts!” – Belinda Paton

Kaye is available for Reading Parties in your home for 4 to 8 people. Using her gifts she will do a Personal Private Reading for everyone in the group while the rest of you enjoy and share your time together.
$30 per person in the Hawkes Bay area (travelling costs maybe incurred for rural areas)

Kaye calls on a huge variety of knowledge and experience to gently assist you in the healing process. Her healings are varied and intuitive and can sometimes call on many different modalities in one session depending on what you need. She uses crystals, oils, essences and a range of different energies to get the the heart of exactly what it is you need.
Healings can be helpful for:
• Healing any illness and disease within the body
• Clearing any hooks, cords or negativity within the aura
• Releasing old karma or ties to the past
• Removing blocks that are stopping you moving forward
• Clearing the way for you to step into your Highest Self now
Distant and Remote Energy Healings: – For Land and People
This is for people and or their land that are unable to receive healing in person or on site, due to their location or circumstances. Kaye tunes into the energy and offers remote/distant healing to cleanse, clear and balance any imbalances or attachments. This type of healing is very effective and is works very much the same as hands on healing. Kaye informs you by email of the progress of the healing and of any imbalances she finds.
Healing Prices
In Person – $80
Distant – $80
Some of the healing sessions may include:
CRYSTAL HEALING: Using divine crystal energy that Kaye is guided to use just for you, she will place the crystals upon your body where the healing energies are needed the most. Crystals have amazing healing within them for us to utilize for healing, clearing and manifestation and so are a valuable tool for us to use for this process. (In person)
ETHERIC CORD CUTTING: Etheric cords are unseen energetic cords that form between people who have shared relationships, moments together or experiences in past or present lives. Sometimes these cords form through ill intent, unforgiveness, jealousy, or ego based experiences. These cords can manifest in the physical and cause emotional pain, unexplained health issues, mood swings and lack of energy in the person and their environment. Cord cutting is an energetic process based on the process of working with unconditional love and positive intention to clear your energy field. (Either in person or distantly)
FULL MOON NAME CLEARING: Our names represent ourselves and our lives on an energetic level. They hold all energy associated with us, whether it positive or negative. If you have experienced a lot of negative situations in your life you can retain this energy to your detriment. Having a name clearing healing can clear this energy and help you move on in life. Name clearing is part of karmic release and energy purification, this can be done at anytime, and at full moon adds to the power of the cleansing energy. The clearing process lasts for 3 days and requires no work on your part (except your permission). (Distantly)
For bookings please call Kaye on +64 211413899 or use my contact page.